Saturday, 9 May 2015

Puzzle - Pirates and sharing the gold coins - Answer

For understanding the solution, let us start with the scenario when there are only 2 pirates.
Then the answer is obvious in this case, the oldest pirate will take all 100 gold coins and will give nothing to the other guy and vote for himself to get the 50% majority.

Now, consider the scenario of 3 pirates.
The youngest pirate knows that if the oldest pirate dies, then he will get nothing.
So, if he gets anything, then he will vote for the oldest pirate.
The second pirate would oppose any proposal by the oldest pirate as he would get everything if he dies.
So, the answer in this scenario is 99-0-1 from oldest to youngest pirate.

Similarly, for 4 pirate scenario, the answer would be 99-0-1-0

And hence the answer for 5 pirate situation is 98-0-1-0-1

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